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ff. 1-151v: [Rosarium, first leaf missing]: Incipit: //unde augustinus super Iohannem omelia finali Petrus apostolus ... Explicit: et Iacobus 3o ubi enim est zelus et contencio ibi inconstancia et omne opus pravum et cetera. [rubric erased]. ff. 152-154: [Liturgical and theological texts; includes]: Gloriam propriam querit ... [brief gloss on John 7, 18]; a series of biblical passages supporting the articles of the Creed; [musical notation:] Sex sunt note in quibus totus cantus disponitur, scilicet ut re mi fa sol la. Ut prima petri 2o, Ut abstineatis vos a carnali et spirituali desiderio illicito; Re Iacobi 4o, Re sistite diabolo et fugiet a vobis ... Et si quis has notas transgreditur deo discordat; Genesis ex le nu deu Iosue iudicumque ... [Walther, Initia 7140; mnemonic verses in syllables for the order of the books of the Bible, the numbers of the chapters written above the name of each book]; a short outline of biblical passages to be read throughout the periods of the liturgical year with a note on their relationship to the year; Confortat stimulat arcet ... [12 verbs, each with a biblical reference suprascript]; [G]allus habet 7 proprietates. Prima est antequam cantat verberat se alis suis ... [paragraph with moralization on the "gallus" to mankind]; Marchus romanis sed iohannis asianis/ Lucas achaiis matheus scribit ebreis [Walther, Initia 10679, in a second hand]; Sectus ysaias lapidatus et ieremias ...[Walther, Initia 17447, in the second hand]; Barnardus, multiplica prebendas, labora ad archidiaconatum aspr[...damaged] ad episcopatum gradatim ascendes sed in puncto ad inferna descend[...damaged] [in the first hand]; Cur homo torquetur: ut ei meritum cummuletur ... ne fastus ei dominetur ... [Walther, Initia 3927, in a third hand, written in distinctio form, each line followed by the revelant biblical source]; Iob probat inclinat paulum sese manifestat/ In ceco purgat maria punit herodem [Walther, Initia 9864, in the third hand]; under the heading De hereditate sacerdocium, a list of biblical sources in a fourth hand. f. 154: [Historical verses, includes]: Mens caro conardus cui lex improperabit/ princeps edwardus caroli sedem vacavit; Christi millenis ter c decies quarter annis/ ffrancorum venus rubet equorum luce Iohannis/ De quo gaudere potest anglia Francia flere; Ter c M decies sex unus et ille/ luce tua maure vehemens fuit impetus aure; Schrevesbery, Anno domini millesimo ccccmo tercio fuit bellum apud Schrevesbery. The anonymous late fourteenth century Lollard collection of extracts known as the Rosarium, written in England in the first half of the fifteenth century. Span folios: ff. 1-154v. Support: Parchment. Layout: 1⁸(-1) 2⁸ 3-6¹⁰ 7⁸ 8⁸(-1 torn out after f. 63 with loss of text) 9-13⁸ 14-16¹⁰ 17⁸ 18⁶. Catchwords enclosed in ink frames; quires signed in arabic numerals on the last leaf verso; quires and leaves signed in letters and roman numerals in the normal position. 36 long lines ruled in lead; pricking in the outer margin, with 2 holes for the last line. Main text written by one person in an English book hand influenced by anglicana; additions (ff. 152-154) in several other hands. Decoration: First initial of each alphabetical section, 4-line, in parted red and blue with red flourishing; secondary initials, 3-line, in blue with red flourishing, sometimes including a face or grotesque (e.g. ff. 19v, 23v, 56v, 65v); alternating red and blue paragraph marks. Occasional marginalia with additional texts, often trimmed by the binder; verses on f. 10v, added to the section Antichristus, Cum fuerint anni complete [sic] mille ducenti . . . [Walther, Initia 3617]; on f. 22v, added to the section Columbe, Grana legit volitat sociata cadavera vitat . . . [Walther, Initia 7291]. Input into Digital Scriptorium by: C. W. Dutschke, 8/23/2012. Bound in 18th century Dutch (?) calf with gilt tooled panels on the spine and the title "Concordanti [sic] Bibliorum"; covers blind tooled with border and corner fleurons; red morocco label pasted on the spine, "333." HM 37539. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA.
Preaching--Early works to 1800 Theology--Early works to 1800 Grotesques England 15th century. (aat) Marginalia (Annotations) England 15th century. (aat) Manuscripts (documents) (aat)
Manuscripts, Huntington Digital Library
Among the erased pen trials on f. 154 is a 15th cent inscription, "Ric[ardus?] pruton." Belonged to the Lincolnshire antiquary Maurice Johnson of Ascough Hall. According to a long note in his hand, f. ii r-v, it was given to him by "Mr Ferrour de Sancto Botulpho" in 1728, and it was n. XCIX in the catalogue of Ascough Hall Library. The note also explains that the small painted medallion of Moses on f. iii was copied by Johnson's son from a drawing by Dr. William Stukeley (1687-1765) of a medal in the latter's collection. On the front pastedown, Johnson's armorial bookplate, engraved by George Vertue, and a pencilled shelfmark "Crassus.E.16." Acquired by the Huntington Library from Alan Thomas (London) 1973.
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