Deacon Elsebeth Fischer-Nielsen and husband, Jens Fischer-Nielsen were sent by Danish Santal Mi Diakon Elsebeth Fischer-Nielsen, og ægtefælle, Jens Fischer-Nielsen , udsendt af Dansk Santalmission til Bangladesh, 1975-87. Her arbejdede de efter sprogstudier indenfor evangelisation, kirkelig undervisning, rådgivning og administration. Elsebeth F-N. var fra 1980-83 leder af Saraswatipur Kostskole. Senere fokuserede hun især på BLC-kirkens kvindearbejde - med undervisning og landsbybesøg. Efter hjemkomsten til Danmark , havde Elsebeth F.-N. forskellige opgaver ved Sædden og Kvaglund kirker, hvor Jens F.-N. var ansat som sognepræst. Også her var der fokus på kvindearbejde, bl.a. gennem Kvaglund Kirkes tværkulturelle projekt "Kvinder møder kvinder". Desuden har de begge efter tiden i Bangladesh været tilbage på kortere ophold, som konsulenter og rådgivere for BLCs lederskab
CC Attribution (CC BY). Må bruges med kildeangivelse: Danmission Photo Archive / Should be used with source reference: Danmission Photo Archive. Danmission Strandagervej 24, 2900 Hellerup, Denmark USC does not control copyright for these images. For usage permission, contact the Danmission. Information is available at
Deacon Elsebeth Fischer-Nielsen and husband, Jens Fischer-Nielsen were sent by Danish Santal Mission to Bangladesh, 1975-87. Following language studies , their work included evangelisation, theological education, counseling and management. From 1980-83, Elsebeth F.-N- was leader of Saraswatipur Boarding School. Later she had special focus on the women's ministry of BLC, with teaching and visiting villages of the area. After returning to Denmark, Elsebeth F.-N. has supported the work of her husband, the pastor of Sædden and Kvaglund churches. Again focusing on women's ministry, e.g. as leader of the cross-cultural project "Women meeting women". Also recent years both of them have been on several visits to Bangladesh, as consultants and advisors of the BLC leadership.
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