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Image / Henriette Mirassou's black dress

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Henriette Mirassou's black dress
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
History San Jose Research Library
History San Jose Online Catalog
Rights Information
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Black silk two-piece WW1 era dress. A: Bodice (jacket). Wide front lapels. One button at center front waist. 2 1/4" waist band, pleated lengthwise. Four oval, 3' x 2", fabric covered buckles, sewn in place at side front and side back panels. Heavy pleating down both sides of bodice front to hem, allowed to flare below belt. Back belt higher than waist, open pleating below to hem. Rounded sailor collar with center back inverted box pleat. Sleeves - long with set in flared piece on outer side of wrist, gathers on sleeve above flare. Fully lined - 2 covered weights inside back hem. Two self covered 1 1/4" buttons, waist button overlaid with fabric strips. B: Skirt - black silk, very fragile. 6" high hip bands, side front to side back. Slight pleating from bottom of panel. Flat panel front and back to waist. Closure - right side back, 5 snaps and 1 hook. Label - The Sterling Inc. Stockton, Cal. (The Sterling Women and Children's Clothes was a popular clothing store at 132 E. Main St. from 1908-1960's).
Clothing & dress
Nineteen tens
Mirassou, Henrietta Pellier

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