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Image / If I can help somebody, 1976

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If I can help somebody, 1976
Glover, Kenneth, arranger
Glover, Kenneth, singer
Glover, Kenneth, producer
Publication Information
Light; B/K Productions
University of Southern California. Libraries
Contributing Institution
University of Southern California Digital Library
Gospel Music History Archive
Rights Information
Please contact the contributing institution for more information regarding the copyright status of this object.
Long playing stereo record album jacket and disk of "If I can help somebody". [Cover page]: "'If I Can Help Somebody', The touching voice of Kenneth Glover". Photograph of Kenneth Glover outdoors kneeling next to and looking at a senior citizen in a wheel chair with a nurse standing behind it. [Back cover page]: Several photographs of Kenneth Glover with important people in his life, his work and singing in hospitals, rest homes and other distinguished work. A list of side one and side two songs.
Side 1 of the disc: "If I Can Help Somebody, the touching voice of Kenneth Glover. B/K Productions, Los Angeles, California. Side 1. Stereo. 33 1/3 RPM. 1. 'Create Me A Soul'
2. 'King Jesus Will Roll All Burdens Away'
3. 'Blessed Jesus'
4. 'Rock My Soul'
5. 'If I Can Help Somebody'
6. 'He's Everything You Need'. 1004".
Side 2 of the disc: "If I Can Help Somebody, the touching voice of Kenneth Glover. B/K Productions, Los Angeles, California. Side 1. Stereo. 33 1/3 RPM. 1. 'Did You Stop To Pray This Morning'
2. 'Without Him'
3. Touch Me Lord Jesus'
4. 'How Great Thou Art'
5. 'He Knows How Much We Can Bear'
6. 'Have A Little Talk With Jesus'. 1004".
1 sound disc : analog, 33 1/2 rpm, stereo.
Gospel Music
long-playing records
gmha-m127 [Legacy record ID]
Glover, Kenneth
Era of Contemporary and Hip Hop Gospel
Light LS-5683 [Identifying number]
gmha-m1 [Source (legacy collection record ID)]
Gospel Music History Archive

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