"Heidengräber in Inamwanga. Links ein kleines Gebetshäuschen, rechts Scherben v. Töpfen. Im Hintergr.: Das Dorf Muwemba." ("Heathen graves in Inamwanga. On the left a small prayer house, on the right shards of broken pots. In the b[ackground]: The village Muwemba."). In the foreground, two graves. On the left a small hut with a thatched roof. On the right shards of broken pots. In the background at least three huts with thatched roofs partly covered by the forest. Theodor Tietzen (1893-1973) was a missionary of the Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine. Having married Hildegard Marie Lenz in 1921 and served in South Africa (West) from 1922 to 1927, he moved to East Africa, where he served in Mbozi till 1929 and in Utengule till 1939. In the 1950s he returned to South Africa.
2 copies, colored slide no. 10322 photographic prints, 11.8 x 8.9 cm. photographs
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