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Image / Haruye Fujiwara with brothers, friend, and Bunzo

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Haruye Fujiwara with brothers, friend, and Bunzo
Date Created and/or Issued
circa 1919
Contributing Institution
California State University, Dominguez Hills, Archives and Special Collections
CSU Japanese American Digitization Project
Rights Information
All requests for permission to publish must be submitted in writing to California State University, Sacramento, University Library, Dept. of Special Collections and University Archives as the owner of the physical item and is not intended to include or imply permission of the copyright holder, which must also be obtained. Further information available online:
Photograph of Haruye Fujiwara with brothers, friend, and Bunzo. L to R: Front row: Haruye Fujiwara, Laurence Bunzo Asoo, and Utako (Haruye's best friend). Top Row: Asa or Zensuke Fugiwara.
Bunzo Asoo was born in 1897 in Hiroshima, Japan. Haruye Asoo was born in 1982 in Okinawa, Japan. He immigrated to the U.S. in 1914 and helped his father on a farm in Vorden, California. In 1915, Bunzo went to an English language school in San Francisco. In 1920, he returned to Japan for an arranged marriage with Haruye. They had seven children. They farmed in the Sacramento area during the 1920s and 30. In May 1942, the family was forced to evacuate to Arboga Assembly Center, then to Tule Lake and Topaz Relocation Centers. The Asoo's returned to Sacramento in 1945, where Bunzo became a landscape gardener.
black and white, 4.25 x 6 inches
Identity and values--Issei
Identity and values--Men
Identity and values--Women
Japan--Pre-World War II
Okayama, Japan
California State University, Sacramento, Department of Special Collections and University Archives
California State University Japanese American Digitization Project
Asoo and Fujiwara Families Collection

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