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Text / Sweetwater Scrapbook, September 1981 - August 1982

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Sweetwater Scrapbook, September 1981 - August 1982
Contributing Institution
Mill Valley Public Library
Mill Valley History Online
Rights Information
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Scrapbook, from 1981-09-29 thru 1982-08-82. folded in cover pocket - Canyon Clarion November 4, 1981. Clipping with photograph of 102 East Blithedale which was being raised to make more office space. Clippings from SF Chronicle datebook mentioning Sweetwater. In book: Clippings - article about women who run nightclubs, with photo of Patterson; assorted clippings mentioning scheduled performances and Sweetwater costume party; mention of Etta James and Richie Havens performances; Huey Lewis clipping; more clippings about live music controversy. Copy of memo from City Manager to City Council about allowing private NYE party at Sweetwater; memo about live music; clippings from SF Chronicle with performance lists. Clipping about Country Joe MacDonald playing Sweetwater; clipping of police log from 1/13/1982 about Maria Muldaur being arrested for disorderly conduct on Hueter's Lane; Memo to city council about St. Patrick's day event at Sweetwater, article about Maria Muldaur performing'; Thank you letter to Jay Paterson from Douglas Binderup; clippings on John Lee Hooker; Billboard articale about Dynatones at Sweetwater; ad for performance of Oklahoma! at Sweetwater; articles and materials about Little League Team Sweetwater sponsored; postcards from Roy Rogers (Paris) and "Audie {De Lone}" (Philadelphia); Postcard from Maria Muldaur;
Sweetwater Music Hall

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