Storbymission i Calcuttas slumområder, hvor DSM missionærer Lilly og Kamalesh Biswas arbejder med en række projekter, som forskole for gadebørn, erhvervsfaglig uddannelse af kvinder, en videoklub og læsestue for unge, etc. Her er elever fra syskolen, som viser et diplom til Kamalesh Biswas og en af skolens ledere, der siger: Hvis vi ikke havde denne skole, var nogle af disse piger endt i prostitution. Oktober 1993 Urban Mission in the Calcutta slum areas, where DSM Missionaries, Lilly and Kamalesh Biswas are
CC Attribution (CC BY). Må bruges med kildeangivelse: Danmission Photo Archive / Should be used with source reference: Danmission Photo Archive. Danmission Strandagervej 24, 2900 Hellerup, Denmark USC does not control copyright for these images. For usage permission, contact the Danmission. Information is available at
Urban Mission in the Calcutta slum areas, where DSM Missionaries, Lilly and Kamalesh Biswas are involved in projects as: A pre-school for street children, vocational training of women, a video-club and reading room for young people, etc. Here are trainees from the sewing school showing a diploma to Kamalesh Biswas and one of the school leaders, who said: If not having this school some of these girls were ended up in prostitution. October 1993.
Danish Santal Mission Danmission Dansk Santalmission FOLDER060 Calcutta Kamalesh Biswas Lilly Biswas Missionaries Missionærer United Evg. Lutheran Churches India UELCI Storbymission Urban Mission Vocational Training Erhvervsfaglig uddannelse Syskole for kvinder Sewing school for women Pre-school Street children Forskole for Gadebørn Urban Communication Video produktion Kirke Mission Church Mission Slumområder i Calcutta Calcutta slum areas Skole Uddannelse School Education Socialt arbejde Social work Ungdomsarbejde Youth ministry Indien Nord India North
Time Period
Asia Calcutta Indien Nord India, North Indien India West Bengal
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