Soren Borello by DMS' representative cabinet meeting November 14 to 15 1973 at Nyborg Strand, w Søren Borello ved DMS' repræsentantsskabsmøde 14. - 15. nov. 1973 på Nyborg Strand, hvor han trak sig tilbage fra posterne som næstformand og undervisningskonsulent. Søren Borello ses her sammen med sin kone. Anvendt i: Dansk Missionsblad 12/73 s. 16
Soren Borello by DMS' representative cabinet meeting November 14 to 15 1973 at Nyborg Strand, where he resigned from the posts of vice-chairman and educational consultant. Soren Borello and his wife are receiving flowers. Used in: Dansk Missionsblad 12/73 p. 16.
Administration Bestyrelsesmedlemmer Board Members Danish Missionary Society Danmission Det danske Missionsselskab Leadership Ledelse DMS Danmark Denmark Ledelse og Administration Management and Administration FOLDER318 Repræsentantsskabsmøde Representative cabinet meeting Søren Borello Nyborg Strand Ledelse og administration
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