This is a photograph of Maryknoll [first row in chairs]Fathers John O'Donnell, Bishop James A. Walsh, Fr. Joseph McCormick and Sisters Eunice, Gemma, Peter and Juliana in a group picture with the Japanese Mission at Dairen [now Dalian]. Rev. O'Donnell was born in New York City. He entered Maryknoll in 1922 and was ordained in 1929. He was assigned to Fushun, Manchuria where he remained until granted a furlough in 1937, after which he returned to Fushun. He was interned when war with Japan broke out and in 1942 was repatriated aboard the refugee ship Gripsholm. -- Born in Massachusetts and educated at Boston public schools, Bp. Walsh attended Boston College and Harvard University before entering St. John's Seminary at age 19. He was ordained on May 20, 1892. He spent the first ten years as a priest in pastoral work at St. Patrick's Church in Roxbury, Massachusetts. In 1903 his mission spirit came alive when he was appointed Diocesan Director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. As Director, Father Walsh founded "The Field Afar", a publication to supplement the Annals of the SPF. In 1910, Fr. Walsh met Fr. Thomas F. Price of North Carolina at the Eucharistic Congress in Montreal. They worked out a plan for the American foreign mission seminary. The plan was approved by the American Hierarchy and Pope Pius X in 1911. In 1912, property was purchased to build a Seminary in Ossining, NY. In 1917 Maryknoll was ready to go to the missions and Fr. Walsh traveled through the Orient in search of a mission. Bishop de Guebriant in South China entrusted his mission in Yeungkong and Loting in the care of Maryknoll. The first mission set out for China in 1918. In 1933 Fr. Walsh was consecrated Titular Bishop of Siene. Bishop Walsh lived to ordain thirty-seven Maryknollers and to consecrate as Bishop his first Seminarian, Francis X. Ford. Bishop Walsh died in 1936 and is buried at Maryknoll. -- Rev. McCormack was born in Ballaghadereen, Co. Roscommon, Eire. He joined Maryknoll in 1918, and was ordained in 1924. He was assigned to Fushun, Manchuria. Interned there at the outbreak of WWII, he was repatriated aboard the Swedish repatriation ship Gripsholm in 1942. Afterwards he worked in
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