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/ Oral History of Timothy Eldridge Wood

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Oral History of Timothy Eldridge Wood
Contributing Institution
Mill Valley Public Library
Mill Valley History Online
Rights Information
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In this oral history, Timothy Eldridge Wood shares stories from his family history that shed light on the prehistory and early development of Mill Valley. Born in San Francisco in 1948, Timothy grew up in Woodside on the Peninsula, though recalls frequently coming to Marin during his youth to visit relatives. Timothy attended college at U.C. Santa Barbara and graduate school at Yale before moving to Salt Lake City where, at the time this interview was recorded, he had been working in the biotech industry for 35 years. The family history Timothy relates traces back to the Puritan communities of the 17th century. Timothy recounts how his ancestors from both sides of his family came to California during the Gold Rush and established themselves in the area. He describes several notable individuals, including his great-great-grandfather John Cushing who bought 320 acres in Mill Valley in 1873 and later established the Blithedale Hotel, his great-grandfather Sidney Cushing who founded the Mountain Railroad, and his grandmother Dolly Jenkins (née Cushing) whose activism in the 1920s and 1930s around the issue of family planning prefigured the institution of Planned Parenthood. The Eldridge side of the family is no less illustrious. As he remarks in this oral history, Timothy "has Mill Valley in his DNA," and channeling the voice of Sidney Cushing he urges current (and future) Mill Valley residents to treasure their utterly unique town.
Blithedale Hotel
Chong, Gong Chee
Collier, John
Cushing, Eleanor
Cushing, Harriet
Cushing, John
Cushing, John Eldridge
Cushing, Marion
Cushing, Sidney
Depression (economy)
Dyer, Kate
Eldridge Grade
Eldridge, Elizabeth Risdon
Eldridge, Grace
Eldridge, John Oscar
Eldridge, Mary Eliza
Erskine, Kate
Erskine, Millie
Gold rushes
Indigenous peoples
Kent, Albert
Kent, William
Land grants
Mason, Bill
Mt. Tamalpais & Muir Woods Railway
MV history - Early Mill Valley to 1915
MV history - Interwar years
Native Americans
Oral history - Local business
Oral history - Railways
Oral history - Volunteerism, activism
Planned Parenthood
Seitz, Vera
Stetson, Edward
Wood, Ellie
Wood, Henry Parker
Wood, Sr., Parker Fullington

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