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Image / Homestead School students and teacher, 1916

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Homestead School students and teacher, 1916
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
Mill Valley Public Library
Mill Valley History Online
Rights Information
Please contact the contributing institution for more information regarding the copyright status of this object.
Students and teacher posing next to the building. Names are written in pencil on the back of the photograph: "First row - left to right - [name obscured], Jack [portion of name obscured]artz, Frank Silva. 2nd row - Tony Santos, Harry Morton, Chistu (?) Robertson, Louis Richter, Kenneth Campbell, Ivan Kompf, Herman Domingos, Tony Perry, Jim Kennerson. 3rd row - Aurelia Domingos, Lucille, Santos, Elva Victorino, Eva Victorino, Thelma Stutzman, Belmeda Dias. 4th row - Marie Thomas, Elizabeth Richter, John Lawrence, Vivian Ryan, Lily Blo [unreadable]aty, Mart[unreadable] Bettencourt, [unreadable]l Avery, Margaret Stutzman, Florence Perry, George Dimas(?). It appears that the rows are numbered starting from the back.
California Revealed
Campbell, Kenneth
Dias, Belmeda
Domingos, Aurellia
Domingos, H
Homestead School
Kennerson, Jim
Komph, Ivan
Lawrence, John
Morton, Harry
Perry, Florence
Perry, Thomas
Richter, Elizabeth
Richter, Louis
Robertson, C
Ryan, Vivian
Santos, Lucille
Santos, Tony
Silva, Frank
Stutzman, Janet Grace
Stutzman, Margaret
Stutzman, Thelma
Thomas, Marie
Victorino, Eva

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