Lands event 29-30th May 1976 was introduced with a group of missionaries in the week prior paid Landsstævnet 29.-30. maj 1976 introduceredes med, at en gruppe missionærer i ugen forud aflagde 60 besøg på skolerne i Holbæk. På det tidspunkt havde alle byens og oplandets husstande modtaget missionsavisen "Evangeliet på vej ". DMS satte altså sit målbevidste præg på byen. Børnearbejdet kulminerede 27. maj i et tre-timers børnetræf på seminariet, arrangeret af FDF, FPF, KFUK- og KFUM spejderne
Lands event 29-30th May 1976 was introduced with a group of missionaries in the week prior paid 60 visits to schools in Holbæk. At that time, all of the city and surrounding households received mission newspaper "Gospel on the way." DMS put all its purposeful mark on the city. Children work culminated May 27 in a three-hour children's engagements at the college, organized by the FDF, FPF, YWCA- and YMCA Scouts.
Danish Missionary Society Danmission Det danske Missionsselskab DMS Danmark Denmark Ledelse og Administration Management and Administration FOLDER306 Landsstævner 1961 - 1981 Annual Meetings 1961 - 1981 Holbæk Ledelse og administration
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