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Image / Panoramic view of downtown Los Angeles, looking west on 6th street from …

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Panoramic view of downtown Los Angeles, looking west on 6th street from the top of the Pacific Electric building, 1904
Pierce, C.C. (Charles C.), 1861-1946
Date Created and/or Issued
Publication Information
University of Southern California. Libraries
Contributing Institution
California Historical Society Collection at Stanford
University of Southern California Digital Library
California Historical Society Collection, 1860-1960
Rights Information
Doheny Memorial Library, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0189
Public Domain. Release under the CC BY Attribution license-- both “University of Southern California. Libraries” and “California Historical Society” as the source. Digitally reproduced by the USC Digital Library; From the California Historical Society Collection at the University of Southern California
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USC Libraries Special Collections
Photograph of a panoramic view of downtown Los Angeles, looking west on 6th street from the top of the Pacific Electric building (6th Street & Main Street), 1904. The city is thriving with multi-storied commercial and residential buildings. Both, the large two-story mansion-style Spring Street School next to the H. Arnold Furniture Store building and the California State Normal School can be seen. Prominent buildings or landmarks include: Pershing Square (center right), Saint Paul's Episcopal Church, State Normal School (upper center) and the Metropolitan Building (still under construction -- behind the Los Angeles Examiner building). Mountains are visible in the distance: the Santa Monica Mountains to the left
the Hollywood Hills, center right
and a mix of the Verdugo and San Gabriel Mountains to the right. CHS-5060: Legible signs include: "Eastern Outfitting Co., houses furnished complete, cash or [credi]t, the reliable furniture store", "Brents, the great credit house", "Geo A. Ral[phs]", "Los Angeles Express Building", "... now", "Hotel Afton", "'Force' ...", "... Los Angeles, ... property, W.M. Garland Co.", "your credit is good here", "...xchange", "The Cul Drug ..., ...ators of drug ...", "Hing & Co.", "Hawley, Hing & Co. carriages", "Los Angeles Examiner", "Peck & Chase Co., un[d]ertakers", "Fremont", "... drapery, furniture, rugs, ...", "Kahn's", "Broadway Drapery & Furniture Co., rugs and mattings", "Los Angeles Pacific, ... building", "[A].B. Chase ...", "Niles Pea...".
CHS-5061: Legible signs include: "Lyon-McKinney-Smith Co., furniture, carpets, and draperies, parlor goods, couches, mattresses, pillows, window shades, cornice poles, upholstery, and bedding supplies, brass goods, oil cloth, linoleums, rugs, matting, art squares.", "Tel South 55", "Stromee's sign shop", "Pacific Realty Co.", "... Real Estate Co.", "Owl ...", "G. Stromee", "Agency, Masury's mixed paints and colors., [hou]se paint, varnish, jap..., ...or...", "recruit", "C.P., drugs", "H. Arnolds furniture house, 559, mattings, linoleum, & rugs, 553", "Woodham Furniture Co., 5... furniture ho[use]", "597, W.G. Hutchingson Co., 597", "Meyberg Bros.", "Mackie Fredericks Co, acorn stoves and steel ranges, rugs, mattings, and linoleums", "Geo P. Taylor, haberdasher", "Dirmer Cie., ladies tailors.", "Toledo", "State Normal School", "T.D. [B]ut's drug store", "Conway", "... & Son [gr]ocery", "Glengarry", "The ...arlington roo[m]s".
CHS-5062: Legible signs include: "Bicycles.", "... Buildings, ... Garland & Co.", "Queen Stella", "The Oriental temple of palmistry.", "... shooting ga...", "Bl... and ... Co.", "Plumbing.", "Walter Bros., pa[in]ts, and wa[ll] [Paper]", "627", "Independent...", "Paints", "B.F. ...linn, liquors, cigars", "Goodwin Bi..., Paints ...", "627, Walter Bros., wall paper, paints", "...ntel & Tile Co.", "...W. dry goods store.", "[Ant]ique", "Hotel Colorado", "Earnest ...", "Mess...", "Upholstering Pioneer", "Signs", "...ines Co.", "W... Garage", "651", "OB", "Automobiles", "649", "storage", "Hotel Corona", "Baker's Coco", "Hotel Rookwood", "Crescent Wine Co.", "... Wielands", "... Baltimore". See also CHS-6963.
3 photographs : glass photonegatives, b&w
21 x 26 cm.
3 Photoprints : b&w
8 x 10 in.
glass plate negatives
USC-1-1-1-2730 [Legacy record ID]
Los Angeles--Streets--Broadway--North of Temple
Los Angeles--General views--1900
Panoramas of Los Angeles
Six Street
Downton Los Angeles
Banks and banking
Time Period
Los Angeles
Sixth Street
1-2-45; 1-8-9; 1-2-44; 1-9-46 [Microfiche number]
5061-p; 5062; 5061; 5060 [Accession number]
CHS-5061-p; CHS-5062; CHS-5061; CHS-5060 [Call number]
California Historical Society [Contributing entity]
California Historical Society Collection, 1860-1960
Title Insurance and Trust, and C.C. Pierce Photography Collection, 1860-1960

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