Eine indianische Grossmutter." "Une grand'mere indienne." An elderly woman sits smoking a pipe outdoors, a walking stick in hand. The back of the postcard is stamped and postmarked and closely covered with writing. On it is the printing "Procures des Missions Franciscaines : Metz, 17, rue Marchant (Moselle). - Bonne Fontaine p. Phalsbourg (Moselle) - Bourtzwiller p. Mulhouse (Ht-Rh.) - Hohatzenheim p. Mittelhouse (B.-Rh. - Longeville-les-St.Avoid (moselle) - Selestat, Maison St. Antoine (B.-Rh.) - Esch s. Alzette (Luxembourg) - Lugano, Na. Sa. di Loreto (Suisse)
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