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/ Oral History of Ernie Bergman

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Oral History of Ernie Bergman
Contributing Institution
Mill Valley Public Library
Mill Valley History Online
Rights Information
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In this oral history, Vietnam veteran Ernie Bergman discusses his life in Mill Valley and his experience serving in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam War. Ernie was born in San Francisco in 1948, and his family moved to Mill Valley one year later. His father was a sea captain from Sweden, and his mother was a registered nurse from Iowa. Ernie discusses fond memories of growing up in Mill Valley, including his time as a student at Tamalpais High School. As graduation approached Ernie eagerly joined the Navy and later received orders that would take him to the Philippines, Vietnam and Japan. Ernie describes the great feeling of camaraderie and brotherhood he felt as a serviceman, and also discusses the strong anti-veteran sentiment he experienced upon his return to Marin. Back in the States, Ernie began studying for a master's degree at San Francisco State and then midway through the program went to work for stock brokerage and securities firm Dean Witter. Diagnosed with cancer in 1977, Ernie discusses his battle against the disease and his experience undergoing experimental treatments. After regaining his health, he resumed working for Dean Witter and later went on to work for State Farm Insurance. He eventually became a retirement investment counselor. During this time, Ernie also shared his life experience by lecturing at high schools.
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Archibald, Mike
Berlin, Germany
Blithedale Avenue
Boyle Park
Bus Depot
Bush, George W
Chu Lai
Clark Air Force Base
College of Marin
Collins, Chuck
Corcoran, Corky
Cubi Point Airbase
Da Nang
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
Desert Storm
Edna Maguire School
Esposti's Ice Cream Parlor
Ewald, Dick
G.I. Bill
Galileo Adult School
Garrison, Henry
Gulf War
Hamilton Air Force Base
Homestead School
Iraq Veterans
Iraq War
La Ginestra
La Petite
Lee, Herbert, Dr
Marin City
Marin General
Mayer's Department Store
Mekong Delta
Memorial Day Parade
Mill Valley
MV history - Baby boom years (1950s and early 1960s)
MV history - Music and counterculture (1960s and 1970s)
Nixon, Richard
Old Mill School
Olongapo City
Park School
Rogers, Bob
Salvation Army
San Diego
San Francisco
San Francisco State University
San Rafael
Sequoia Theater
Subic Bay
Tachikawa Air Force Base
Tam Valley
Tamalpais High School
Terra Linda
The University of California, San Francisco Medical Center
Ton Son Nut Air Force Base
Travis Air Force Base
Treasure Island
Varney's Hardware
Veterans' organizations
Wake Island
White, Horace
World War II
Yokosuka Naval Base

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