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Image / Help arrives after cars collide

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Help arrives after cars collide
Alternative Title
Los Angeles Herald Examiner Photo Collection
Sergieff, Mike
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
Los Angeles Public Library
Los Angeles Public Library Photo Collection
Rights Information
Images available for reproduction and use. Please see the Ordering & Use page at for additional information.
Photograph caption dated September 16, 1981 reads, "Paramedics carry away a motorist hurt in a three-car accident today which injured 10 people, many of them waiting for a bus at the corner of Broadway and Santa Barbara Avenue. One of the cars bounced into a nearby bus bench, but Fire Department spokesman Ray Walker said most of the people waiting there managed to get out of the way before the car hit. However, one of those seated on the bench, whose identity was not immediately available, suffered a broken leg. A man trapped briefly in one of the vehicles sustained severe battery acid burns while another suffered a possible broken neck."
1 photographic print :b&w ;29 x 36 cm.
Photographic prints
Herald Examiner Collection
Traffic accidents--California--Los Angeles
Traffic accident victims--California--Los Angeles
Fire fighters--California--Los Angeles
Allied health personnel--California--Los Angeles
Ambulances--California--Los Angeles
South Los Angeles (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Los Angeles Herald-Examiner photographs
Herald-Examiner Collection photographs

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