Contact: Oleg Bornovolokov, Library, Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary, UETS, 57 Gamarnika St. Kiev-04075, Ukraine Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary. Library of UETS or
A poster dedicated to cooperation between working class and peasantry. Captions read, "Chtoby vspakhat' zemliu, nuzhno imet' sokhu, a sokhu nuzhnon sdelat', a ia ob etom zabyl. Nado-by podkormit' rabochikh / Чтобы вспахать землю, нужно иметь соху, а соху нужно сделать, а я об этом забыл. Надо-бы подкормить рабочих", meaning, "To turn up the soil I need a plow, and workers are the ones who manufacture plows, but I forgot about this. Let's feed the workers". [Description English/roman)]
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