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Flynn, Marilyn - Oral History Interview - CSWA ❧ Dean Marilyn Flynn, PhD – Oral History Interview for the California Social Welfare Archives (CSWA). Interview by John Brekke, PhD. Interview Date: 12/15/2014. An interview with Dean Marilyn Flynn, PhD as she discusses her insatiable need for new knowledge and how that formed her career, the significance and uniqueness of the social work profession, and the future of the field. ❧ CONTENTS: (00:32) - Introduction. (02:06) - Origins of Social Work. (05:03) - Masters in Social Work. (05:30) - VA Hospital & Vietnam Veterans. (07:40) - PhD Experience. (08:00) - Siren Call of Economics. (10:38) - Constant Search for Knowledge. (12:10) - Political Climate at the Beginning of Career – Sense of Enormous Possibility. (14:13) - Mentors and Intellectual Guides - Evelyn Duvall (Human Development Studies) & Donald Bitzer (Computer Science and Engineering). (17:14) - Computer Assisted Instruction. (18:59) - Success & Failures. (22:45) - Creations (First Suicide Prevention & First Tele-Care for Older Population). (27:14) - Major Obstacles to Social Work Field. (29:20) - Major Changes in Career. (32:30) - Why Society Needs Social Work. (36:22) - What Social Work Should Focus On (Science of Social Work Addressing Inequality & Inclusion Re-Thinking Resources). (42:52) - Growth of Social Work Field. (45:50) - Intellectual Growth of Field. (49:55) - Leadership in Social Work. (52:32) - Inspiring Future Social Workers (Uniqueness of the Field/Profession). (54:08) - Closing Remarks (Social Work Community & Global Connection of Social Workers). (57:30) - Single Attribute Most Proud of. ❧ ADDITIONAL MATERIALS: 1. California Social Work Hall of Distinction Biography ( ). 2. Curriculum Vitae. 3. DVD containing interview.
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1 video (1:00:13) interviews oral histories (document genres) video/mp4
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