Gregory IX's Decretals and other related works : [manuscript]
Honoré, Master artist Durand, Guillaume, approximately 1230-1296 Garsias, Hispanus, Bishop of Sigüenza, active 1277-1299 Ruskin, John, 1819-1900, former owner Tomkinson, Michael, 1841-1921, former owner Perrins, Charles William Dyson, 1864-1958, former owner Bottoni, Bernardo, -1266. Glossa ordinaria in Decretales Catholic Church. Pope (1272-1276 : Gregory X) Catholic Church. Pope (1277-1280 : Nicholas III) Catholic Church. Pope (1254-1261 : Alexander IV) Catholic Church. Pope (1265-1268 : Clement IV) Catholic Church. Decretales Gregorii IX Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery. Manuscript. HM 19999
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ff. 1-241v: [Gregory IX, Decretals]: Prologue: Gregorius Episcopus servus servorum dei Dilectis filiis doctoribus et scolaribus universis parisius bononieque commorantibus salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. Rex pacificus pia miseracione disposuit ... Rubric: Innocencius iii in concilio generali, De summa trinitate et fide catholica Rubrica. Incipit: Firmiter credimus et simpliciter confitemur ... Explicit: Indignum est et a romane ecclesie consuetudine alienum ut pro spiritualibus facere quis homagium compellatur. Expliciunt decretales deo gracias. ff. 1-241v: [Bernardus Parmensis de Botone, Gloss on the Decretals]: Prologue: In huius libri principio quinque sunt precipue prenotanda videlicet que sit intentio ... Incipit: Firmiter, ideo dicit firmiter quia ordo fidei nostre probari non potest ... Explicit: et si interveniret nullam obligationem de iure vel de facto inducit supra de pactis pactiones. Bernardus. Explicit apparatus decretalium. ff. 241v-251v: [Gregory X, Constitutions]: Prologue: Gregorius episcopus servus dei dilectis filiis universitati magistrorum et scolarium parisius salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. Cum nuper in generali concilio lugdunensi ... Rubric: De summa trinitate et fide catholica. Incipit: Fideli ac devota professione fatemur. Explicit: ab ea non possint nisi per sedem apostolicam absolutionis beneficium obtinere ... Expliciunt constituciones nove gregorii x. ff. 241v-255: [Guillelmus Durandus, Gloss on the Constitutions of Gregory X]: Prologue: Gregorius iste priusquam papa fieret vocabatur thealdus ... Incipit: Fidei primo dicit quod spiritus sanctus eternaliter procedit. Explicit: Apostolica secus esset si hoc dictum non fuisset ut supra c. nuper. Expliciunt glose guillelmi durandi super constitucionibus gregorii x in generali consilio lugdunensi. ff. 255-262: [Iohannes Garsias Hispanus, Gloss on the Constitutions of Gregory X]: Prologue: In nomine domini amen. Quoniam natura rerum introductum est ut plura sint negocia quam vocabula ... Rubric: De summa trinitate et fide catholica. Incipit: Fideli fuerunt quidam et adhuc sunt hodie. Explicit: sunt excommunicati ut in c. tua nos alii incendiarii sunt excommunicandi xxiii q. ultima pessimam. Expliciunt glose ordinarie novarum constitucionum domini gregorii pape decimi a garsia iuris civilis et canonici professore composite Anno domini M cc lxxxii. ff. 262v-270v: [Nicholas III, Cupientes]: Prologue: Nicholaus servus servorum dei dilectis filiis suis universitati magistrorum et scolarium parisius salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. Incipit: Cum quasdam constituciones super certis articulis duxerimus promulgandas ... De electione et electi potestate Rubrica, Cupientes ecclesiarum vacationibus periculosis occurrere. Explicit: vel prefata premissa tua humili confessione aliisque circumstanciis mansuetudine temporandi. Datum rome apud sanctum petrum xo kalendas aprilis Pontificatus nostri anno tercio. ff. 262-268: [Iohannes Garsias Hispanus, Gloss on Cupientes]: Prologue: In nomine domini amen. Licet ad occurrendum ecclesiarum vacationibus essent multa ... Rubric: Cupientes et cetera. Incipit: Hec decretalis valde utilis est quia ad expeditionem ecclesiarum dummodo curia servet eam. Explicit: Equitas canonum, hanc equitatem colliges per iura allegata in glosa proxima. Explicit apparatus domini nicholai. ff. 270v-273v: [Alexander IV]: Rubric: Incipiunt nove constituciones alexandri iiii pape ad perpetuam rei memoriam de Rescriptis. Incipit: Cum per illam generalem clausulam quidam alii frequenter apostolicis inseritur litteris. Explicit: Nec premissi per ea se ulterius iuvare valerat ulterium. Nulli genere et cetera, nostre revocationis et cetera, si autem et cetera. Datum anagnie xv kalendas septembris pontificatus nostri anno primo. Expliciunt constituciones alexandri iiii. f. 273v: [Clement IV] Rubric: Incipiunt constituciones clementis pape iiii. Incipit: Clemens episcopus servus servorum dei ad perpetuam rei memoriam. Sepe accidisse precipimus quod nonnulli clerici in suis partibus vinculo excommunicationis ast[...?]e apostate aut irregulares seu alii suscepti- [catchword:] -one sacr...?]//. f. 274-v: [Table of contents, added in a later hand, to the Decretals and to the Liber Sextus (not mentioning VI.4.2); there is no other evidence that the Liber Sextus was ever part of this volume]. Back flyleaf: [Verses in English, added mid to late 15th century]: Incipit: Thre flourys in a nyȝt can spryng/ From euery floure a streme rennyng/ A clerk among the flourys lyyng/ Hem fond but noȝt durst say nor syng/ For drede of the mone. Title supplied by cataloger. Manuscript contains Gregory IX's Decretals with a gloss, Gregory X's Constituions and a gloss, Nicholas III's Cupientes and a gloss, as well as works by Alexander IV and Nicholas IV. Written during the last years of the thirteenth century possibly in Avignon or Montpellier, or by a southern scribe working in Paris and painted in Paris by Maître Honoré. Manuscript also includes on f. 121v, a miniature added during the first half of the fourteenth century by an English artist, showing the Virgin and Child. Span folios: ff. 1-274v. Support: Parchment. Layout: 1-4¹⁰ 5¹² 6-11¹⁰ 12¹²(-10, 11, 12, through f. 121) 13⁶ 14-15¹⁰ 16¹² 17-24¹⁰ 25¹² 26¹⁰ 27¹²(+13, f. 274). Catchwords to following text (not to the gloss) in inside corner, enclosed in light brown ink frames washed in yellow. Leaf signatures in letters, variously with a single stroke or an "x" above, below or alongside the letter; through quire 16, the signatures are in red, thereafter in the ink of the text; the leaf following the middle of the quire often marked with an "x." Quire signatures in a late medieval hand in the lower right corner of the first leaf recto, from A to Dd, with f. 274 marked Ee. 2 columns of 20-48 lines for the text; typically 92-104 lines for the gloss; slash prick marks visible in the upper and lower margins. Written in a round Italianate gothic script, with a somewhat smaller size for the gloss, using a brown or light black ink. Decoration: Five miniatures by Maître Honoré, approximately 65 x 60 mm in blue and maroon frames, edged in gold, with gold oak leaves along the outer sides, and with half or 3/4 border extensions of colored trilobe leaves (See G. Warner in the Dyson Perrins catalogue, quoting Sir Sydney Cockerell, and Eric G. Millar, An Illuminated Manuscript of La Somme le Roy attributed to the Parisian Miniaturist Honoré (Roxburghe Club 1953) 12). Other Decoration: On f. 1r-v, 3 historiated initials, 7- to 4-line, of a seated doctor instructing students, of a seated king, and of the Trinity, with Father and Son side by side as the Dove descends between them. Other books of the Decretals begin with 6- or 5-line initials, in white-patterned pink on blue grounds, or vice versa, infilled with colored trilobe leaves; 3-line initials in similar style, some with partial borders, often ending in drolleries or infilled with busts of many kinds: men clean-shaven or bearded, women with or without elaborate headdresses, kings, queens, a figure with a wing-like cap, rabbits, dogs; 4-line initials, placed outside the written space, in blue with red flourishing. Decoration on f. 121v: miniature, 113 x 78 mm., added during the first half of the fourteenth century by an English artist, showing the Virgin and Child under a gothic arch, and to their left, under another arch, Agnes standing, holding book and sword, with her lamb at her feet; below the miniature (instructions to the artist?), "Sanctissima Agnes virgo et martir gloriosa ad cuius dextrum stat ["a dextris" cancelled] agnus nive candidior." "Corr. in textu" in the lower margin of the last leaf verso of each quire. Considerable marginalia in contemporary French hands, and in contemporary and later English hands (on f. 92v, a note dated 1470); running headlines giving the subject in the upper right corner of each leaf recto in an English hand. Modern fore edge tabs. First leaf defective along the inner margin, with some loss of text; now hinged. Input into Digital Scriptorium by: C. W. Dutschke, 8/19/2012. Cataloged from existing description: C. W. Dutschke with the assistance of R. H. Rouse et al., Guide to Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Huntington Library (San Marino, 1989). Bound in 1903 by Douglas Cockerell, in wooden boards with red morocco spine decorated in gilt and blind with the initials of Michael Tomkinson, 2 3-part braided straps to catches on the front cover. Rust marks from chain hasps on top and bottom center of f. iii, once the pastedown. HM 19999. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA.
Canon law--Early works to 1800 Illuminations (Painting) France 13th century. (aat) Miniatures (Painting) France 13th century. (aat) Miniatures (Painting) 14th century. (aat) Historiated initials France 13th century. (aat) Marginalia (Annotations) France 13th century. (aat) Marginalia (Annotations) England 14th century. (aat) Manuscripts (documents) (aat)
Manuscripts, Huntington Digital Library
A terminus post quem for the copying of HM 19999 is the date of composition of the gloss on the Decretals, i.e. 1282, as noticed in the explicit on f. 262. Contemporary notes of an early owner in a French hand, but soon acquired by an Englishman, as shown by the numerous notes in early fourteenth century anglicana, and by the miniature added by an English artist on f. 121v. In the spandrels of the arches in this miniature are what may represent coats of arms: gules, a fess or (in the 2 outer spandrels); azure, a cross saltire or (in the center); this last may be intended for the arms of St. Albans abbey, although a St. Albans provenance seems doubtful and the volume was not listed by Ker, MLGB; the choice of Agnes in the miniature suggests particular devotion on the part of an individual or institutional owner. Owned before 1436 by William Meelys, rector of Tarporley, Cheshire: on f. iv verso,"Decretales apparate F. de dono Magistri Willelmi Meelys, rectoris de Tarpurley pro anima sua ex procuracione [?] David Bromfelde anno domini Mo cccc xxxvi"; on the contemporary back flyleaf,"Constat Willelmo Meeles [cancelled:"1450"?]." A draft of a letter on f. iv recto includes a mention of Chester and the date 1470. In a fifteenth century hand on the back flyleaf,"Percy [?] de Burscho [?] desiderat emere istum librum cum bello troianorum et libro de passione christi," and, in the upper margin of f. 274, in possibly the same hand,"frater p., precio 1 x 1i." Belonged to Richard Bulkeley, archdeacon of Merioneth (1483-ca. 1500) and Anglesey (1504 until his death in 1524); on f. 274v, over an erasure (?),"Constat ricardo bulkeley archidiacono Meryoneth"; on f. iv recto,"Precario conceditur domino Iohanni Gwyn ad tempus per Ricardum bulkeley archidiaconum Anglesey," and"Constat fratri Ricardo Bulkeley Teste reddatur ad Signum ea quod servi." Belonged to John Ruskin by 1857, when he discussed its decoration in his Elements of Drawing (London 1857) 301-02; Ruskin's bookplate on the inside front cover. His estate inherited by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Severn, who sold this manuscript ca. 1903 to Michael Tomkinson, of Franche Hall, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, for whom the book was rebound; sold by Tomkinson in 1911 to C. W. Dyson Perrins. Dyson Perrins sale, Sotheby's, 29 November 1960, lot 109. Acquired at that time by the Huntington Library.
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