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Image / Lion dance at Quan Mon

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Lion dance at Quan Mon
Alternative Title
Los Angeles Photographers Photo Collection;
Quillen, Harry
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
Los Angeles Public Library
Los Angeles Public Library Photo Collection
Rights Information
Images available for reproduction and use. Please see the Ordering & Use page at for additional information.
Title supplied by cataloger.
The Lung Kong Tin Yee Association is a worldwide fraternity also known as "The Four Brothers," and dates back to the 1600's in China. The Los Angeles chapter was the 485th association dedicated in the United States. The group provided basic needs and support to the Chinese American Community and fought against discriminatory practices. The Los Angeles chapter was a driving force in the preservation of the old Plaza landmarks such as the Lugo House and the Buddhist Temple that were threatened with demolition in 1950.
A large crowd in front of Quan Mon in the Chung King Court watches a lion dance celebrating the dedication of the new Lung Kong Tin Yee Association building located at 989 N. Broadway in Chinatown. Photograph dated July 10, 1949.
1 negative :safety ;10 x 13 cm.
Photographic safety negatives
Harry Quillen Collection; Los Angeles Photographers Collection;
Quan Mon (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Meizhou Longgang qin yi zong gong suo
Lion dance--California--Los Angeles
Restaurants--California--Chinatown (Los Angeles)
Dedications--California--Chinatown (Los Angeles)
Chinese restaurants--California--Chinatown (Los Angeles)
Office buildings--California--Chinatown (Los Angeles)
Spectators--California--Los Angeles
Crowds--California--Los Angeles
Architecture--California--Chinatown (Los Angeles)--Chinese influences
Chinese language
Chinatown (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Night photographs

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