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Image / Two students lying on the lawn with one reading the Daily Trojan …

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Two students lying on the lawn with one reading the Daily Trojan with "'Days of concern' close USC" as the top headline, 1970
Date Created and/or Issued
circa 1970-05-07
Publication Information
University of Southern California. Libraries
Contributing Institution
University of Southern California Digital Library
University of Southern California History Collection
Rights Information
Doheny Memorial Library, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0189
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USC Libraries Special Collections
University of Southern California University Archives
Photograph of two students lying on the lawn with one reading the Daily Trojan with "'Days of concern' close USC" as the headline, 1970. The male student, wearing horizontal striped half-sleeved high neck pullover is resting on his right arm has his head down as if he is reading or looking at something he has in his hands. He is wearing dark-colored belted jeans. The woman in light colored full-sleeved, open-at the neck shirt is resting her head on that man's stretched legs and reading the inside pages of Daily Trojan, dated May 7, 1970. The front page of the page has following headlines: "Days of concern" close USC
Founders blocked off
Registration days revised for Summer, fall classes
Students feel apathy has finally ended. "DT tells it all. The front page of the Daily Trojan for May 7, 1970 reflected what probably was the true peak of student unrest in USC. Protesting both President Nixon's Cambodia involvement and the killing of four students at Kent State University in Ohio, USC students organized a strike which led to modifying University program for four days. Joined in many cases by faculty members, the students turned outpourings of their discontent into duologue during teach-ins, rallies, and parades. The administration supported the movement and ruled no one would be penalized for joining the strike which became "The Days of Concern" -- The Trojan gallery, p. 209
1 photograph : photoprint, b&w
24 x 20 cm.
photographic prints
uaic-m268 [Legacy record ID]
Days of concern
University of Southern California--Students
College student newspapers and periodicals
Students movements
College students
Vietnam war, 1961-1975--Protest movements
Time Period
circa 1970-05-07
Los Angeles
educational facilities: University of Southern California
University of Southern California [Contributing entity]
uaic-tro-gal-209 [Original filename]
Reynolds, John, comp. The Trojan Gallery: A Pictorial History of the University of Southern California, p. 209. Los Angeles: University of Southern California, 1980. LD5101.S32T76 (USC Libraries)
University Archives Image Collection
University of Southern California History Collection

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