Madagascar - Pays Betsileo - Chanteurs." A large group of people are shown gathering around a circular dais of packed earth. Standing and seated atop the dais are a number of performers. The back of the postcard has no handwriting on it. Printed at the top of the correspondence section is "Superfice : 590,000 kilometres carres - Population : 3,400,000 habitants." "Pricipaux produits: Vanille, Rix, Manioc, Pois du Cap, Cafe, Viande, Peaux, Cire, Raphis, Or, Pierres precieuses, Mica, Graphite, Mineraux radioactifs et autres." "Pour tous renseignements, s'addresser a l'Agence economique de Madagascar, 40, Rue da General-Foy, a Paris.
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