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Image / Centro Evangelistico Fuente de Agua Viva, corner view

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Centro Evangelistico Fuente de Agua Viva, corner view
Alternative Title
Los Angeles Photographers Photo Collection;
Allen, Jeff
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
Los Angeles Public Library
Los Angeles Public Library Photo Collection
Rights Information
Images available for reproduction and use. Please see the Ordering & Use page at for additional information.
Title supplied by cataloger.
Evangelism is the Christian practice of proselytization. The intention of most evangelism is to effect eternal salvation to those who do not follow the Christian God; others believe it is to inform others about the Kingdom of God. Evangelism is done in obedience to the Great Commission, a command from Jesus to his disciples to proselytize, as recorded in the New Testament. Christians who specialize in evangelism are known as evangelists, whether in their home communities or as missionaries.
View of Centro Evangelistico Fuente de Agua Viva, located at 1285 E. 54th St. and Hooper Ave. It shows a two-story corner church, painted light yellow with blue trim and dark roof. All of the windows have security bars and the church property has a security fence surrounding it; residential homes are visible all around. If not for the blue stairs that lead to two front entrances, this corner church might be mistaken as a dwelling instead of a place of worship since it blends in and looks similar to the homes surrounding it. Verso on photograph states that this church was formerly known as Christ Temple (ca. 1930s), and prior to that, Marvin Methodist Episcopal Church South (ca. 1920s), but it does not list when it acquired its current name. Photo dated: December 2005.
1 photographic print :color ;11 x 16 cm.
Photographic prints
Jeff Allen Houses of Worship Collection; Los Angeles Photographers Collection;
Centro Evangelistico Fuente de Agua Viva (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Church buildings--California--Los Angeles
Dwellings--California--Los Angeles
Fences--California--Los Angeles
Los Angeles Photographers Collection photographs
Jeff Allen Houses of Worship Collection photographs

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