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Text / Oral History of Doris Bloom

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Oral History of Doris Bloom
Contributing Institution
Mill Valley Public Library
Mill Valley History Online
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In this oral history, Mill Valley native and lifelong resident Doris Bloom presents a view of a beloved and evolving Mill Valley over the course of many decades. Doris recalls the Mill Valley of her childhood, including the Locust neighborhood stores to which her mother took her as well as the devastating fire of 1929 that her father participated in fighting. Doris recalls the construction of the Golden Gate Bridge and how she walked across it on the day it was opened. Doris attended local schools, and after graduating from Tam High went on to study at U.C. Berkeley, a relatively rare trajectory for a woman of that period. In college she met her future husband Jack, and they married just before he shipped off to World War II. After Jack returned from the war, they decided to stay in Mill Valley, where they raised their three children. Doris describes the old downtown commercial district and how things began to change after car ownership became widespread and the 101 freeway was built. After her children graduated from high school, Doris went back to work for several years before retiring to travel around the world with Jack. Doris's oral history provides a sense of what daily life was like in Mill Valley in various periods of its history as well as how greater historical events affected the town. Editor's note: The original recording of the oral history unfortunately could not be located.
101 Freeway
1929 Fire
Bloom, Cathy
Bloom, George
Bloom, Jack
Bloom, Sharon
Golden Gate Bridge
Locust District
MV history - Baby boom years (1950s and early 1960s)
MV history - Interwar years
Oral history - Natural disasters
Tamalpais High School
Terwilliger, Elizabeth
University of California, Berkeley
World War II

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