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Image / Mitchell and car in Santa Inez River near Mono ranger station, Santa …

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Mitchell and car in Santa Inez River near Mono ranger station, Santa Barbara County, California. The road has always been too near the creek and had always washed out every spring. We forded the river 6 times in 4 miles. The Forest Service is now (1916) constructing a good road back from the river, desiring to make summer home sites accessible. Chaparral typical of lower Santa Barbara Forest. May, 1916
Metcalf, Woodbridge
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
UC Berkeley, Bioscience & Natural Resources Library
Fritz-Metcalf Photograph Collection
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Location: panoramic
Identification: exact ground location unclear, appears unknowable
One person present, name known
Rivers - Santa Inez River (Calif.)
U. S. Forest Service - Ranger stations
Persons - Mitchell
Los Padres National Forest (Calif.)
National forests - California - Los Padres
Santa Barbara County
Santa Barbara County

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