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This video tape includes a recording of the 2002 Hall of Fame Ceremony. The San Diego County Women's Hall of Fame is an annual induction ceremony, which began in 2001, to honor and acknowledge five women from San Diego whose actions and accomplishments significantly added to the quality of life in San Diego County. The annual induction ceremony is also a forum for coalition building between the four co-hosts; Women's Museum of California, The Commission on the Status of Women, San Diego State University Department of Women's Studies, and The Women's Center, University of California San Diego, and dozens of women's organizations representing San Diego's diverse population. During this ceremony, three of the five winners were interviewed: Jane Dumas, Gracia Molina de Pick, and Alemi Daba. Jane Dumas is a member of the Jamul Band of Kumeyaay Indians in East County. She is a well-known and widely respected elder, teacher, and leader in San Diego's American Indian community and in San Diego at- large. For decades, Jane has been speaking in classrooms and at public events, sharing knowledge of Kumeyaay culture and medicine, and stressing the value of traditional language and history in today's urban and American Indian societies. In 1981, Jane helped found the San Diego American Indian Health Center, and since 1986 she has been described as an "anchor, leader, peacemaker, and bridge between Indian and non-Indians in the areas of medicine and education" and believes that "we can become healthier as both individuals and as a community by incorporating traditional knowledge and spirituality." Gracia Molina de Pick born to a political family in Mexico, has lived in San Diego County for over 40 years. Her earliest efforts to secure equality for women was to help organize and found Partido Popular - a Mexican political party that fought to secure voting rights for women. Since Gracia arrived in the United States in the 1950s, she worked tirelessly to advance the participation of women and people of color in the democratic process. Gracia's work to promote women's rights and human rights is international in scope - she has participated in all UN World Conferences on Women - but she is also dedicated to improving the status of women in her own community. Gracia has served as a mentor, advocate, grassroots political activist, and teacher to countless numbers of women and men in her roles as a professor at Mesa College and lecturer at UCSD. Alemi Daba was born in Ethiopia in an Oromo tribal village. Girls did not go to school, but her contact with American missionaries enabled her to get an education. Because Alemi was Christian, she was tortured and imprisoned under the communist government, which also executed her husband and other members of her family. Alemi, with her two daughters, escaped and arrived in San Diego in 1988 as refugees. Soon after arriving, Alemi launched her energies toward adapting a new language and culture. She began to assist other refugees, and emerged as a leader of what is now a refugee community of 10,000. She has also served as a "peacemaker" between refugee communities whose countries, in some cases, have been at war. Currently, Alemi serves as Director of Women and Children for the Alliance for African Assistance, helping refugees from around the world resettle in San Diego. Alemi spearheaded several new programs with the Alliance to improve access to healthcare and provide special services for senior citizens and is a spokeswoman for Refugee Women Hand-in-Hand. The tape also contains a recording of the opening night of the Women's Museum of California's 2015 exhibit, Tears of War: The Many Faces of Refugee Women. Since the 1970s, San Diego has become home to almost 200,000 refugees from at least 30 war-torn nations where homes, livelihood, and family life were destroyed. Women refugees observed death and/or torture, fled their homes, experienced rape and terror, sought shelter, pleaded for asylum. In their new homes they adjusted to unfamiliar surroundings and society, living with their trauma, and surviving against all odds.
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