Doheny Memorial Library, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0189 Public Domain. Release under the CC BY Attribution license-- both “University of Southern California. Libraries” and “California Historical Society” as the source. Digitally reproduced by the USC Digital Library; From the California Historical Society Collection at the University of Southern California Send requests to address or e-mail given USC Libraries Special Collections
Photograph of a panoramic view of North Figueroa Street as viewed from Spring Street, showing the results of street improvements, February 1936. The paved lanes of North Figueroa Street curve through the middle of the image, running from the foreground toward the distant skyline of downtown. A few automobiles are visible on Figueroa, while tree-lined hills sit to each side of the street. The horizon is smoggy or foggy the tower of City Hall sits at the center of the background.
1 photograph : photonegative, b&w 21 x 26 cm. negatives (photographic) photographs
Los Angeles--Streets--Figueroa Streets--Maintenance and repair Civil engineering Roadways
Time Period
California City Hall Dodger Stadium Hall Of Justice Elysian Park Civic Center Los Angeles North Figueroa Street & Spruce Street Birch Street Stadium Way Figueroa Street Spruce Street Pasadena Freeway (US-110) USA
31049 [Accession number] CHS-31049 [Call number] California Historical Society [Contributing entity] isla id: S-4683 [Identifying number]
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