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Image / Casa Mexicana

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Casa Mexicana
Podchernikoff, A.M
Contributing Institution
Santa Barbara Historical Museum
Digital Collections
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During the late 19th century, the idyllic romance of early Spanish and Mexican California was reborn through popular literature such as Helen Hunt Jackson's bestselling novel Ramona, and Charles Lummis' Land of Sunshine magazine. Drawn in part by this cultural revival and spurred by the Great Migration westward, immigrants and tourists flocked to California in search of a warmer climate, financial opportunity, and a simpler life. By the early 20th century, local architecture became influenced through this awakened interest in our state's Hispanic heritage. Historic Spanish and Mexican structures were restored throughout the city, alongside new construction in the Spanish-Colonial Revival style that has significantly shaped Santa Barbara. Many artists took hold of this movement as well, seen here in Alexis Podchernikoff's romantic rendition of a moonlit adobe scene.

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