Lilly Biswas. Deacon / nursing home assistant. Married to Kamalesh Biswas of Calcutta, India, w Lilly Biswas. Diakon/plejehjemsassistent. Gift med Kamalesh Biswas fra Calcutta, Indien, som siden 1977 har boet i Danmark. Familien har 2 sønner, Dan og Mark. Fra 1989-95 var familien Biswas udsendt af Dansk Santalmission til Storbymission i Calcuttas slumområder. Arbejdet omfattede bl.a. forskole for gadebørn, syskole for kvinder, ungdomsarbejde, samt formidling af det kristne budskab gennem film og drama. Efter 1995 fik UELCI overdraget ansvaret for storbyprojektet. Familien bosatte sig i Kolding, hvor Lilly Biswas har arbejde indenfor sit fag, mens Kamalesh Biswas blev involveret i det tværkulturelle arbejde som sognemedhjælper og indvandrerpræst frem til sin død i 2009
CC Attribution (CC BY). Må bruges med kildeangivelse: Danmission Photo Archive / Should be used with source reference: Danmission Photo Archive. Danmission Strandagervej 24, 2900 Hellerup, Denmark USC does not control copyright for these images. For usage permission, contact the Danmission. Information is available at
Lilly Biswas. Deacon / nursing home assistant. Married to Kamalesh Biswas of Calcutta, India, who since 1977 has lived in Denmark. The family has two sons, Dan and Mark. From 1989-95 was the family Biswas sent by the Danish Santalmission for the City Mission in Calcutta's slums. Work involved preparatory school for street children, a sewing school for women, youth, and the presentation of the Christian message through movies and drama. After 1995, UELCI transferred responsibility for urban project. The family settled in Kolding, where Lilly Biswas has work in his profession while Kamalesh Biswas became involved in the cross-cultural work as a parish assistant and immigrant priest until his death in 2009.
Danmission Dansk Santalmission Portraits Portrætter FOLDER136 Danish Santal Mission Lilly Biswas Kamalesh Biswas Dan Biswas Mark Biswas Missionaries Missionærer Calcutta Calcutta slum areas Slumområder i Calcutta Storbymission Urban Mission Forskole for Gadebørn Pre-school for Street children Vocational Training Erhvervsfaglig uddannelse Ungdomsarbejde Youth Ministry Urban Communication Video produktion Kirke Mission Church Mission Evangelism Evangelisation UELCI United Evg. Lutheran Churches India Cross-Culturel Work Tværkulturelt arbejde Indien Nord India North
Asia Calcutta Indien Nord India, North Indien India West Bengal
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