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Image / Watsonville Mural

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Watsonville Mural
Landmark Photo Project
Located on side of restaurant at 437 Main Street Artist: Alvaro Date painted: June 1996 The mural is roughly divided into four sections, one of which is an image of an open "book" page which tells a story of Watsonville agriculture bilingually, "Watsonville, where strawberries are sweeter, apples crisper and produce plentiful, is a friendly place of diverse people who share a strong sense of community and optimism. ... Watsonville, donde las fresas son mas dulces, las manzanas mas frescas y los productos del campo abundantes, es un lugar amigable donde convive gente diversa con un fuerte sentido de comunida y optimismo, ..
Jaeger-Smith, Heidi
Date Created and/or Issued
Publication Information
Santa Cruz Public Libraries
Contributing Institution
Santa Cruz Public Libraries
Photo Collection
Rights Information
This photograph is the property of the Santa Cruz Public Libraries.
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Landmark Photo Project
Located on side of restaurant at 437 Main Street Artist: Alvaro Date painted: June 1996 The mural is roughly divided into four sections, one of which is an image of an open "book" page which tells a story of Watsonville agriculture bilingually, "Watsonville, where strawberries are sweeter, apples crisper and produce plentiful, is a friendly place of diverse people who share a strong sense of community and optimism. ... Watsonville, donde las fresas son mas dulces, las manzanas mas frescas y los productos del campo abundantes, es un lugar amigable donde convive gente diversa con un fuerte sentido de comunida y optimismo, ..
Watsonville Mural
Art and Artists
Time Period
Santa Cruz Public Libraries

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