Bateman, William, 1787-1835, former owner Bateman, Thomas, 1821-1861, former owner Hoe, Robert, 1839-1909, former owner Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery. Manuscript. HM 1136
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ff. 1-180; [Book of Hours]: ff. 1-12v: Calendar in red and black; ff. 13-21v: [f. 13, blank], Short hours of the Cross; ff. 22-29: [f. 22, blank], Short hours of the Holy Spirit; f. 29v, ruled, but blank; ff. 30-37v: [f. 30, blank], Mass of the Virgin; ff. 38-44: Pericopes of the Gospels; f. 44v, ruled, but blank; ff. 45-106v: [f. 45, blank], Incipiunt hore beate marie virginis secundum usum romanum; ff. 107-126v: [f. 107, blank], Penitential psalms and litany; ff. 127-162: [f. 127, blank], Office of the Dead, with 3 lessons; ff. 162-180: Obsecro te and O intemerata, and suffrages of Michael, Peter and Paul, John the Baptist, Sebastian, Nicholas, Anthony abbot, Mary Magdalene, Catherine of Alexandria, Barbara, Agnes, Genevieve. [f. 180v, blank]. Book of Hours, use of Rome, written in the second half of the fifteenth century for the use in the diocese of Bruges, to judge from the saints in the calendar. Span folios: ff. 1-180v. Support: Parchment. Layout: 1-2⁶ 3⁶(+ the miniature, f. 13, and 1 other leaf in the first half) 4⁸(+2, f. 22) 5¹⁰(+1, f. 30) 6⁶(+5, f. 45) 7¹⁰ 8⁶ 9¹⁰ 10⁶ 11¹⁰ 12⁶ 13¹²(+12, f. 107) 14⁶ 15¹⁰ 16⁶(+3, f. 127) 17¹⁰ 18⁶ 19¹⁰ 20⁶ 21¹⁰ 22⁶(+1 leaf in the second half). Ruled space, 105 x 70 mm; 14 long lines ruled in purple or pale red ink; pricking in the 3 outer margins. Written in a liturgical gothic book hand. Decoration: Six full page illustrations in slightly arched compartments, on the verso of inserted singletons which are blank on the recto. The miniatures are by a follower of Willem Vrelant. A 5-line historiated initial on a gold ground on f. 162 (Obsecro te) represents the Pietà. Secondary initials, 2-line on cusped grounds, 1-line on square grounds, both in gold on pink or blue grounds with infilling of the other color; initials within the text touched in yellow; rubrics in red. Marks from pilgrim badges on f. 1. Input into Digital Scriptorium by: C. W. Dutschke, 9/15/2009. Cataloged from existing description: C. W. Dutschke with the assistance of R. H. Rouse et al., Guide to Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Huntington Library (San Marino, 1989). Bound in 15th century black calf over wooden boards, rebacked; repeated 4 times, both front and back, is a Flemish animal panel (Weale, Netherlands 314, from Bruges, but without the panel of St. Margaret); 2 contemporary worked brass clasps, closing from top to bottom, with inset, glass covered, small miniatures of saints, in the upper clasp, a female saint; in the lower, a male saint with a staff and a string of shells[?] about his neck (James?); A. W. Byvanck, Les Principaux Manuscrits à Peintures de la Bibliothèque Royale des Pays-Bas (Paris 1924) p. 80 notes that such clasps with miniatures seem to occur on books from a Vrelant workshop. On the inside of the clasps are the 2 initials "P" and "I" (or "J" for James?) united with a lovers' knot; gauffered and gilt edges; binding restored, 1974. HM 1136. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA.
Belonged to William Bateman and to his son, Thomas Bateman; their collection, sold by order of the Court of Chancery, Sotheby's, 25 May 1893, lot 1040 to Quaritch. Belonged to Robert Hoe, Cat. (1909) pp. 23-24; his sale, Anderson, New York, 1912, pt. III, n. 2064 to G. D. Smith. Precise source and date of acquisition by Henry E. Huntington unknown.
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