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/ Oral History of Marilyn Bagshaw and Patty Bagshaw Simmons

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Oral History of Marilyn Bagshaw and Patty Bagshaw Simmons
Contributing Institution
Mill Valley Public Library
Mill Valley History Online
Rights Information
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Sisters Marilyn Bagshaw and Patty Bagshaw Simmons were born at Ross Hospital in Kentfield in 1940 and 1942, respectively. The Bagshaws were raised in Mill Valley and attended Old Mill School, Tamalpais High, and College of Marin. Over the years, Marilyn worked for Pacific Telephone and Telegraph, the human resources department of Blue Shield of California, and was a school secretary. At the time her oral history was recorded, Patty had worked for over three decades as a business and office manager for Happy Feet Dance School in Mill Valley. Both sisters have two children each. In this oral history, Marilyn and Patty recount their childhood memories of growing up in Mill Valley. Through their extensive recollections they draw a detailed picture of the various establishments that comprised downtown Mill Valley -- from Mosher's Shoe Store and Old Mill Market to La Ginestra and Dowd's Fashion Stables. Marilyn and Patty also talk about many local residents who were well known in the community, from U.S. Senator Samuel Ichie Hayakawa to the founder of Happy Feet Dance School, Cece Boden Bechelli.
Albert's Department Store
Alto School
Bagshaw, Fred
Bagshaw, Marie Vetter
Bagshaw, Sam
Bagshaw, Tom and Jane
Bechelli, Cece Boden
Cagwin, George
Carbine, Richard
Carnegie Library
Dimitroff's Frame Shop
Dowd's Fashion Livery Stables
El Marin Florist
Esposti's Soda Fountain
Green Frog Market
Hartman, Dr. Rodney
Hartman, Harriet
Hartman, Zaida
Hayakawa, Margedant
Hayakawa, Senator Samuel Ichie
Huntoon, Fred and Alena
Kee, Suey
La Ginestra
Lenci's Meat Market
Marin Amateur Radio Club
Martin Brothers Feed store
Marvel Mar
Mosher's Shoe Store
MV history - Baby boom years (1950s and early 1960s)
MV history - WWI and WWII
Old Mill School
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church
Outdoor Art Club
Ronning, Joanne
Sauers, Jackson
Sequoia Theater
Simmons, Ron
Stores & shops
Stump, Vera
Sunset Grocery
T&M Hatchery
Thran Market
Warren, Earl

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