"With 80 students in the class" - A Danish teacher in the Arcot School Project is telling: This 01. - "Med 80 elever i klassen" - En dansk lærer i Arcot skoleprojekt fortæller: Dette frodige syn af rismarker holdt jeg utrolig meget af det halve år, jeg var volontør i Tamil Nadu, Sydindien, 1988-89
"With 80 students in the class" - A Danish teacher in the Arcot School Project is telling: This lush view of rice fields I enjoyed very much in the 6 month as volunteer in Tamil Nadu, South India, 1988-89.
Det Danske Missionsselskab Danish Missionary Society DMS DIAS00329 Danmission Indien India Arcot Tamil Nadu Arcot Skoleprojekt Arcot School Project Folkekirkens Nødhjælp DanChurchAid Danida Ulla Berg Janne Garder School Education Skole uddannelse Udviklingsarbejde Development Sundhedsarbejde Health work Diasserie: Med 80 elever i klassen Slides: With 80 student in the class Arcot Lutheran Church Arcot Lutherske Kirke ALC Volunteers Volontører
Time Period
Arcot Tamil Nadu Asia Indien Syd India, South Indien India
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