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/ Oral History of Edward M. and Katharine S. Mills

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Oral History of Edward M. and Katharine S. Mills
Contributing Institution
Mill Valley Public Library
Mill Valley History Online
Rights Information
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Edward Meredith "Ned" Mills Jr. was born on November 9th, 1915 in Los Angeles. Katherine Sherwood Mills was born in Omaha, Nebraska on April 7th. Ned attended college at the University of Virginia in Richmond before serving in the Army Air Corps on an anti-submarine base in Trinidad during World War II. Katherine went to Scripps College in Claremont, California, and then returned to Beatrice, Nebraska, where she got a job as a writer for the daily Beatrice Times. Ned and Katherine each made their way to New York and met while they were working as writers for the Newspaper Enterprise Association. As Katherine recalled, "it was a true office romance", and the two married in 1947. Ned gravitated to the business desk, while Katherine stayed with editorial. Ned and Katherine had three children: Charles, Meredith, and Tyler. They moved to Chicago for 10 years where Ned ran the NEA office, and both dreamed of one day owning their own small-town newspaper. In 1963, their dream came true: Ned and Katherine moved to Mill Valley and bought the Mill Valley Record, with Ned handling the business and advertising side and Katherine the editorial. Together they built the paper into a successful enterprise and dedicated themselves to becoming active citizens in several community organizations. Katherine died at age 88 in 2006 at their home in Mill Valley, and Ned died at age 91 a year later.
Anderson, Leonard
Balmer, Bert
Blackwell, George
Boesnecker, Ed
Coleman, Bruce
Cunningham, William
Douglas, Elizabeth
Douglas, Newell
Douglas, Winona
Drexler, Fred
Ferguson, Fed
Freeman, Inez
Hazen, Vernon
Kilpatrick, James
Marin Independent Journal
McFadden, Cyra
McKinney, Beatrice
Mill Valley Record
Mills, Charles
Mills, Katharine Tyler
Mills, Meredith,
Mills, Ned
Mills, Tyler
Monardo, George
Newspaper editors
Newspaper industry
Newspaper reporters
Oral history - Local business
Pacific Sun
Runyon, Frederick
Secor, Bill
Sheeks, Joe
Sherwood, Katharine
Terzich, Dan
Walsh, William
Wickham, George
Wilson, Randy
Wilson, Stan
Wilson, Stanley
World War II
Wornum, Michael

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