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V2p67e In PHOTO ALBUM-VAULT: ** fc917.9461 A3, Vol. II, page 67 second from bottom right. This photograph is contained in one of two volumes by Dobbin titled "Album of San Francisco." View of a policeman wearing a flu mask talking to a couple. The man is wearing a mask but woman is not, prompting a warning from the policeman. Others wearing masks can be seen in the background. Text written under photo: "Get one like this Right Away." Also have negative no. (4x5 in.): 29,692.
Photographs. Nonprojected graphic
1 photoprint ; 2 7/8 x 3 1/4 in.
(C)001381532CSL01-Aleph (DRA)VVV-4791
Influenza Epidemic, 1918-1919--California--San Francisco Masks San Francisco (Calif.)--Photographs Photographic prints Group portraits
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