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/ Oral History of Jeanne Brindley

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Oral History of Jeanne Brindley
Contributing Institution
Mill Valley Public Library
Mill Valley History Online
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Jeanne Brindley spent most of her childhood living in Mill Valley, where she attended Old Mill School and Tamalpais High School. While attending Tam, Jeanne met Peter Brindley and they began dating. After graduating from high school, she and Peter married and Jeanne took up work as a file clerk in San Francisco. A few years later, Jeanne took a job as a loan clerk at the Bank of America in Sausalito. She would go on to serve as a middle school aide while raising her three daughters. In her oral history, Jeanne recounts her childhood memories of camping along the Russian River with the Girl Scouts, taking ballet lessons at the Outdoor Art Club, and attending dances at Brown's Hall. Jeanne also discusses the various changes Mill Valley has undergone throughout the years.
2AM Club
Banks and Banking
Brown's Hall
Elliott, Judith Howe
MV history - Baby boom years (1950s and early 1960s)
Old Mill School
Outdoor Art Club
Tamalpais High School
Teacher aides

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