Dschuma mosque in Bijapur." - "Brahmin girl." - "Mecca mosque in Bijapur." - "Group of Indian Muslims." - "View of the whole Ibrahim Roza with its entrance hall and mausoleum, Bijapur Dschuma-Moschee in Bidschapur."- "Brahmanenmädchen." - "Mekka.Moschee in Bidschapur." - "Indische Muhammedaner-Gruppe." - "Ansicht der ganzen Ibrahim Roza mit Eingangshalle u. Mausoleum in Bidschapur
All the images (photographic and non-photographic) made available in this collection are the property of the Basel Mission and are managed by mission 21. mission 21 / Basel Mission claim copyright on the images in their possession and require those publishing any of the images--both individuals and organisations--to pay a user's/copyright fee. Contact the Archives of mission21 at address mentioned or at info@bmpix.org. info@bmarchives.org mission21 mission21, Missionsstrasse 21, CH-4003 Basel, Switzerland, tel. (+41 61 260 22 42), fax (+4161 260 22 68)
Note: Loses Bild auf Karton aufgezogen. Kombination aus verschiedenen in der Sammlung vorhandenen Vorlagen. - Cf. "Zuwachs des Basler Missions-Museums", Bd. 1, S. 22. Note translation: Loose picture pasted on card. A combination of different photographs which can be found in this collection. - Presumably advertising for a photo studio in Bijapur? (PJ 06.2001). - Cf. accessions list of the Basel Mission museum, vol. 1, p. 22.
Arcade Architectural view Arrangement Chair Family Gate Girls' wear Group Islam Memorial building Men's wear Mosque Pond Portrait f Stairway Tower Women's wear
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