Missionary and teacher Ellen Laursen (1917-82). Sent by Danish Santal Mission to North India, 1 Missionær og lærer Ellen Laursen (1917-82). Udsendt af Dansk Santalmission til Nordindien, 1947-1982. Arbejdssteder: Eklakhi kostskole 1947, og herefter Narainpur Pigekostskole, som blev hendes livsopgave – og hvor hun som leder fra 1951-75 udbyggede stedet til en stor og anerkendt mønsterinstitution med en højt kvalificeret indisk lærerstab. Samtidig var Ellen Laursen involveret i områdets mange sociale problemer samt i Bengalkirkens arbejde, hvor der i 1971 blev indviet en ny kirke. Også efter sin pensionering opholdt Ellen Laursen sig en del af året i Indien. Hun døde i Danmark 1982
CC Attribution (CC BY). https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Må bruges med kildeangivelse: Danmission Photo Archive / Should be used with source reference: Danmission Photo Archive. Danmission Strandagervej 24, 2900 Hellerup, Denmark USC does not control copyright for these images. For usage permission, contact the Danmission. Information is available at http://danmission.dk danmission@danmission.dk
Missionary and teacher Ellen Laursen (1917-82). Sent by Danish Santal Mission to North India, 1947-1982. Working areas: Eklakhi Boarding School 1947, and then Narainpur Girl's Boarding School. This became her main 'mission of life'- here she served as the principal from 1951-75, and developed the place to a large and widely recognized model institution with a well qualified Indian teaching staff. Beside this, Ellen Laursen was involved in the several social problems of the area as well as in the ministry of the Bengal church. Here a new church was inauguated in 1971. Also following her retirement the commitment continued, part of the year she stayed on in India. Ellen Laursen died in Denmark 1982.
Danish Santal Mission Danmission Dansk Santalmission FOLDER119 Portrætter Portraits DSM Narainpur Pigekostskole Narainpur Girls' Boarding School Eklakhi kostskole Eklakhi Boarding School Ellen Laursen Social Work Socialt arbejde Kirke Mission Church Mission NELC Northern Evg. Lutheran Church Missionærer Missionaries Ledelse Administration Management Administration Skole Uddannelse School Education Indien Nord India North
Asia Indien Nord India, North Indien India Narainpur West Bengal
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