Donald Gee Centre, c/o Mattersey Hall, Mattersey, Nottinghamshire, DN10 5HD, UK. Phone: 01777 817663; Fax: 01777 816195 Donald Gee Research Centre archive The Centre is open to the public Monday-Friday, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. Please call/e-mail ahead for an appointment. The copyright for the Assemblies of God
Notes and correspondence relating to conference held between Evangelical & Charismatic Anglicans [97 Pages]. Includes: press release, 1976 Mar. 29 (p. 2) correspondence (Raymond Turvey, 1976 Aug. 17 (p. 3), J.R.W.S. to Michael Harper (p. 24), Dick Lucas, 1976 Nov. 18 (pp. 42-43), Robin E. Nixon to Michael Harper, 1976 Dec. 24 (p. 92)) summary of conclusions from meeting of 1976 Nov. by John P. Baker (pp. 4-11, 16-23) introduction to evangelical/charismatic dialogue, J.R.W.S., 1976 Nov. 23 (pp. 12-15) Gospel and spirit, a joint memorandum (pp. 25-41) Notes to introduce theological dialogue between professedly "charismatic" and "non-charismatic" evangelicals, J.I. Packer (pp. 44-51, 71-76) Meeting 1: the charismatic movement on the Anglican Evangelical scene, London, 1975 Oct. 15 (p. 52-63) Charismatic-Evangelical dialogue, Bruce Kaye, London, 1975 Oct. 15 (pp. 64-66) a response, Michael Harper to Jim Packer (pp. 67-70) wrapper, meeting 2, Oak Hill, 1976 Mar. (p. 77) Rejection of charismatic "aunt sallies", Michael Harper, 1976 Mar. (p. 78) The work of God in the world, J.I.P. (p. 79) Theology of initiation, T.A. Small (pp. 80-81) Ethoi of evangelical and charismatic spirituality, Gavin Reid, 1976 Mar. (pp. 82-83) notes on Christian unity and pastoral guidelines (pp. 84-85) agenda, Oakhill College, Southgate, 1976 Mar. 25 (pp. 86-87) report on the final meeting, Brookfield House, Robin E. Nixon, Tom A. Smail, 1978 May 18 (pp. 88-89) The charismatic movement and the church of the future, Michael Harper, 1976 Nov. (pp. 90-91) amendments, Michael Harper (p. 93) memo, The terminology of baptism in the Spirit, L.G. Skan (pp. 94-95) charismatic-evangelical dialogue, B.N.K., 1976 Apr. 12 (pp. 96-97). [Description English/roman)]
97 p. printed notes reports agendas correspondence
Baker, John Buchanan, Colin Collins, John Cundy, Ian Harper, Michael Johnston, Raymond Kaye, Bruce Landreth, Gordon Nixon, Robin Packer, Jim Parks, Harold Reid, Gavin Smail, Tom Stott, John Walker, Tom Turvey, Raymond Watson, David Dialogue Charismatic issues: spiritual gifts Exorcism Christian initiation Baptism in the Spirit Initial evidence Gospel & Spirit Theological dialogue Charismatic movement Anglican Evangelical scene Work of God Theology of initiation Ethoi of Charismatic & Evangelical spirituality Church of the future
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