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Image / Fashions, 1859

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Fashions, 1859
Publication Information
Ella Strong Denison Library
Contributing Institution
Claremont Colleges Library
Fashion Plate Collection, 19th Century
Rights Information
For more information on copyright or permissions for this image, please contact the Ella Strong Denison Library at
Two women are depicted in a parlor. The woman on the left is sitting in a chair. She wears her hair partially up, with many ringlets on her forehead and around the sides, and rows of beads dressing the crown of her head. Her dress is blue and off the shoulder with short sleeves. There is wide white lace decorating her bodice with bows and edging. The bodice ends in a sharp point. The blue fabric has a floral bouquet design. She wears a bracelet on each arm and holds a fan in her left hand. The woman on the right wears a green bonnet with black lace. Her gray dress has a jewel neck and long sleeves. There are three tiers to her skirt and at the bottom of each tier is a diamond pattern in a darker shade. There are buttons down the center front of her bodice. The hem of the peplum and the upper sleeves are trimmed with fringe edging, crossing at the waist. Her white blouse has a narrow collar, and full sleeves gathered into cuffs. She wears one bracelet. The parlor has a floral patterned carpet in pink and green, candle sconces, and a large floral arrangement in a vase.
Women's clothing
Color in clothing
Lace and lace making
Bows (Ribbon work)
19th C costume
Bonnets (Hats)
Floral patterns
Time Period
United Kingdom - Early Victorian, 1837-1860
American - Antebellum, 1854-1861
French - Second Empire, 1852-1870
Fashion Plate, engraving (print), colored, 6.25 x 9.375 inches; Scripps College, Ella Strong Denison Library, Macpherson Collection, Costume Plates of Myrtle Tyrrell Kirby, box 8

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