Asian Outreach, Hong Kong. Leaders of the NGO, DD Paul Kauffman and BD David Wang discussing th Asian Outreach, Hongkong. De ledende medarbejdere, dr. theol. Paul Kauffman og cand. theol. David Wang diskuterer udfordringer i den aktuelle indsats i Kina, 1978. - Asian Outreach er en kristen NGO, grundlagt af Paul Kauffman i 1966, som har styrket og transformeret livet for nødstedte mennesker i Asien gennem mange år. Det begyndte under Kulturrevolutionen i Kina, 1966-76, efter Vietnamkrigen i 1975 samt Khmer Rouge diktaturet i Cambodia, 1979, og har siden udviklet sig til at omfatte 18 nationer i regionen (2014). Foto: Asian Outreach – Anvendt i: Dansk Missionsblad nr 7/1978
CC Attribution (CC BY). Må bruges med kildeangivelse: Danmission Photo Archive / Should be used with source reference: Danmission Photo Archive. Danmission Strandagervej 24, 2900 Hellerup, Denmark USC does not control copyright for these images. For usage permission, contact the Danmission. Information is available at
Asian Outreach, Hong Kong. Leaders of the NGO, DD Paul Kauffman and BD David Wang discussing the challenges of present day ministry to China, 1978. - Asian Outreach is a Christian, non-governmental organization, founded by Paul Kauffman in 1966, that has been empowering and transforming the lives of needy Asian people for many years. It started at the Cultural Revolution in China, 1966-1976, and continued during the Vietnam War, 1975 and the Khmer Rouge Dictatorship in Cambodia, 1979. Today, the Asian Outreach action/caring activities continues, but on a much larger scale, including 18 nations across the region (2014). Photo: Asian Outreach – Used in: Dansk Missionsblad no. 7/1978.
FOLDER028 Det Danske Missionsselskab Danish Missionary Society DMS Danmission Hongkong Hong Kong Vietnam Cambodia Asian Outreach Paul Kauffman David Wang Development Udviklingsarbejde Kirke Mission Church Mission Socialt arbejde Social Work Ledelse Administration Management Administration Kina China
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