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Image / Alnor Velometer (Boyle System)

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Alnor Velometer (Boyle System)
Illinois Testing Laboratories Inc
Contributing Institution
History San Jose Research Library
History San Jose Online Catalog
Rights Information
Please contact the contributing institution for more information regarding the copyright status of this object.
A: Black bakelite device with glass window and gauge with needle used for measuring the velocity and pressure of air. The air enters the left side meter port and leaves thru the right side round, mesh covered port. Used for measuring wind and drafts in mines and buildings. B: Black wood case with leather texture covering. Case has metal latches and purple velvet lining. C: Type 2220 steel "jet" which is attached via rubber hose to the left side port for measuring irregular flows of air. D: Type 2215 jet. E: Instructions.
Measuring instruments (LCSH)
Weights & measures

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