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Image / Buffums Department Store, 1929

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Buffums Department Store, 1929
Winstead (6094A)
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
Long Beach Public Library
Long Beach Photos
Rights Information
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Shown in this image is a front and side view of Buffums Department Store, located on the southwest corner of Broadway and Pine Avenue. The store consists of two joined buildings, one having three floors and the other with six floors. All floors are served by exterior fire escapes, which are attached to the front of the building and visible at far left. The main entrance to the store is on Pine Avenue, pictured at far left with an awning, lights, and art deco embellishments. There are pedestrians walking on the street and standing at the corners. Two pairs of double-headed public street lights can be seen at the main corner. A police officer stands on Broadway, directing the one-way traffic. Vehicles are parallel parked and stopped at the corner. One truck, painted white, near the Buffums entrance, advertises "Rich Crescent Milk." DATE NOTES: Noted on image back. ORIG. IMAGE: 8" x 10" B&W glossy print. NEGATIVE: Yes. KEYWORDS: Streets, automobiles, cars, transportation, retail sales, shop, pedestrians.
Department Stores--California, Southern--History
Winstead Co. donation.
Business Firms - Buffums

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